Balance Bike for the youngest is a real salvation for parents of active kids who have already learned to walk and run. This children’s mode of transportation can help channel a child’s energy into a peaceful way and improve the health of the child. A balance bike can be bought for kids ages one year and up.
What is a balance bike?
A balance bike is a bicycle without pedals. Classic models have two wheels, but for kids you can buy a device with three or four wheels for greater stability, which is a wonderful bike option for 2 and 3 year olds. The frame can be made of metal, plastic or wood. In the classic models, the seat is the same as for an ordinary bicycle.
A balance bike will serve a child for a year to two or three years, depending on the child’s growth rate. The height of the steering wheel and saddles can be adjusted by lifting them as the rider grows older. It is important that the balance bike is put at the lowest position that corresponds to the current height of the child. It is not necessary to buy a bicycle that is too large for the child with the idea that it will serve the child for a longer amount of time. The child simply won’t be able to master riding it and risks losing interest in this wonderful mode of transportation.
Why do you need a balance bike?
You need a balance bike to ride with pleasure and to actively learn the world around you. In this case, riding is safe for the child. To start riding, the child just needs to push your their foot off the ground, and to slow down, they must lean their foot on the ground. To fall in this case is very difficult, because the rider can always touch the ground. If we are talking about balance bikes with three and four wheels, it is almost impossible to fall.
The bicycle will help your child:
- to become more enduring and physically strong, to improve the coordination of movements, which is especially important for babies.
- to learn to stay balanced and in the future, to ride on a two-wheeled bike without difficulties.
- improve concentration: while riding, the child observes the road and the presence of obstacles on it and learns not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli.
- gain confidence. Having successfully mastered a balance bike, a child will gain positive experiences and will not be afraid of facing new tasks. One more nuance: sitting on the bicycle, the child will feel more confident due to constant contact with the ground. He will not be afraid to fall, and will therefore be more willing to learn to ride a new mode of transportation by himself.
To master the balance bike the smallest movement can be just two or three steps. The important point to remember is that the child must ride on a firm flat road without ice and snow and be suitably dressed. A riding child quickly begins to sweat, so you should not wrap him before going out. Even if something did not work out the first time, do not insist, just offer the child to return to a new toy on another day.
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